Carnegie Mellon University

Big Data Captstone Project 

Instructor CEU Units # of Lectures Hours per Week Tuition
Ravi Starzl
4.8 12 8-10 $2,700

Project Objectives

  • The Capstone project is designed to give students the chance to apply the knowledge that they have acquired in the previous two courses into a real-project within their company under the guidance and mentoring of the instructor. In this capstone course, the instructor and the company will work together to develop a real project using the company data for students to work on. The size and time of the project will be determined by the company, the instructor will work as a consultant, mentor and provide guidelines to students to ensure that they will be able to complete the project successfully.
  • By the end of the capstone project you will know how to design, organize, and implement, big data analysis projects to solve real world problems with real world data. You will contribute concrete value to your organization through the results of the project as well as demonstrate your mastery of big data analytics technology and methods.
  • Offering date - TBD


Students must have successfully completed the Introduction to Big Data Analytics course and the Advanced Big Data course.

Required Textbook


Project Schedule

Week 1:    Project kickoff, orientation and clarify vision

Week 2:    Consider the information needs, prioritize analyses, and plan final report content

Week 3:    Define a development roadmap to reach the vision and information needs

Week 4:    Define specific analysis iteration objectives, review planned analyses, and deploy cluster

Weeks 5 – 10:   Iterative analyses

Week 11:   Final analysis result integration and review of interpretation

Week 12:   Present final results